Conquering Doom Piles

By Briana and Erica Spruille | Just BE, LLC.

In the world of home organization, there is a thing that engulfs our spaces and brings chaos into our lives. Whether it’s an unruly stack of papers, a pile of clothes that never quite find their way to the closet, or a collection of miscellaneous items that lack a home, this accumulation of clutter and misplaced belongings called doom piles can wreak havoc on our homes, our families, and our peace of mind. But fear not! We are here to guide you on a quest to conquer the piles and bid farewell to the stress that comes with it once and for all.

What are Doom Piles Exactly?

So, ‘doom’ actually stands for “Didn’t Organize, Only Moved”, and is usually associated with people dealing with ADD and ADHD. Doom piles are those clusters of untouched items that accumulate over time that mimic purpose or order. These piles often consist of objects that lack a designated home or purpose and contribute to a sense of overwhelm. Doom piles can include anything from stacks of old magazines and unpaid bills to abandoned crafts and projects. Doom piles also manifest innocently, like when you’re simply trying to quickly clear off your coffee table or other clutter-collecting spot before company or an event. Either way, the accumulation will create a constant reminder of unfinished tasks and unresolved clutter.

Conquering the Doom Piles:

Now that we understand what they are, let’s take action. Here are some practical steps to help you conquer the chaos and regain control of your space:

  1. Start small but mighty: Begin by selecting one doom pile that you’re determined to conquer. Tackling smaller piles allows for quick wins and builds momentum for the larger battles ahead.
  2. Categorize: Sort the items in your doom pile into categories that make sense to you. This could be based on importance, type, or even emotional attachment. Involve the family in this process because decluttering does not automatically mean throwing your things away. Once categorized, you can begin to make decisions about what to keep, donate, or toss. 
  3. Create a “home”: Identify a specific place for each item, considering the item’s main function and frequency of use. Having designated spots for all of your belongings eliminates the chance of them ending up in a doom pile again.
  4. Set realistic goals: Rome wasn’t built in a day, and doom piles won’t disappear in an instant. Set achievable goals for yourself, such as decluttering one pile per week or spending 15 minutes each day in a specific area. These small steps will boost your motivation.
  5. Maintain a clutter-free lifestyle: Prevent future doom piles by adopting new organizational habits. Assess your belongings regularly, practice the “one in, one out” rule (for every new item you bring in, remove an old one), or commit to a weekly “clean sweep” decluttering routine.


Doom piles have a tendency to hold power over your home, but utilizing these strategies, you can address them effectively to restore peace and function. Embrace the process, celebrate small victories, and stay committed to a clutter-free lifestyle so that your environment brings you joy, relaxation, and a sense of harmony again.

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